Using Atomic Propositions and Equivalence Classes (Part 1)

Atomic propositions and equivalence classes offer a practical solution for making testing manageable when dealing with large or infinite input domains. While these concepts are widely used in formal verification—such as in Exhaustive Model-Based Equivalence Class Testing by W. Huang and J. Peleska, 2013, from which we’ll borrow the formal definition of equivalence classes—they are extremely useful in everyday testing tasks.

In this two-part post, we explore how atomic propositions and equivalence classes help us select “representative values” when input spaces are large. These representative values group inputs that behave equivalently, enabling thorough system testing without needing to cover every possible input within each group. Given that atomic propositions and equivalence classes are commonly used in formal verification, we also delve into the formal mathematical notation that defines these concepts.

Let’s start by defining what atomic propositions are, how they relate to equivalence classes, and why they always go hand-in-hand.

Atomic propositions and equivalence classes

Atomic propositions and equivalence classes are closely related concepts. Atomic propositions are logical statements that evaluate to either true or false based on the current state of the system. Equivalence classes, on the other hand, are partitions of the input space where all inputs in the same class are expected to produce the same system behavior.

Atomic propositions

“Atomic propositions are logical statements that evaluate to either true or false, based on the current state of the system.”

Each atomic proposition describes a condition on the system’s variables, which make up the state of the system, such as a specific range or threshold. For example, in an industrial heating system, an atomic proposition could define a condition where a temperature value is greater than 100°C. Such atomic propositions are used to define equivalence classes: inputs that make the proposition true belong to one class, while inputs that make the proposition false belong to another.

For instance, if we have an atomic proposition like:

p1:Temperature>100p_1: \text{Temperature} > 100

Then, the corresponding equivalence classes are:

  • Class 1: Inputs where p1p_1 is true (temperature is greater than 100°C).
  • Class 2: Inputs where p1p_1 is false (temperature is less than or equal to 100°C).

By using multiple atomic propositions, we can create a more granular partition of the input space. For example, consider the atomic propositions:

  • p1:Temperature>100p_1: \text{Temperature} > 100
  • p2:Pressure<50p_2: \text{Pressure} < 50

These atomic propositions define four equivalence classes:

  • Class 1: p1p_1 is true and p2p_2 is true
  • Class 2: p1p_1 is true and p2p_2 is false
  • Class 3: p1p_1 is false and p2p_2 is true
  • Class 4: p1p_1 is false and p2p_2 is false

Each equivalence class represents a distinct combination of true/false values for the atomic propositions, effectively reducing the input space to a set of classes where system behavior is expected to be equivalent.

Equivalence classes

Equivalence classes defined by atomic propositions partition the input space into groups where inputs are expected to behave similarly. By testing combinations of representative inputs from each class, we can reduce the number of combinations that need to be checked, assuming equivalent behavior for all inputs within the same class. This approach is especially useful when it’s not feasible to check all possible combinations due to the large or infinite cardinality (the number of unique values) of inputs.

“Therefore, equivalence classes allow for the reduction of the number of combinations that need to be checked.”

To illustrate how we can use atomic propositions and equivalence classes, we’ll again use a memory function as our system under test, which we explored in the Combinatorial Testing: Writing Behavior Model post.

However, before we start applying atomic propositions and equivalence classes to a real system under test, let’s take a more formal approach and define these concepts more precisely using the formal mathematical notation commonly found in scientific papers related to formal methods.

Definition of atomic propositions (APAP )

Let p1,p2,,pkp_1, p_2, \dots, p_k be atomic propositions that describe various properties of the system. The set APAP is the collection of all these atomic propositions:

AP={p1,p2,,pk} AP = \{ p_1, p_2, \dots, p_k \}

In Python, we can represent this definition as follows:

# 'set' is a collection of unordered unique elements 
AP = set([p_1, p_2, ..., p_k])

Remember that an atomic proposition is a logical statement that evaluates to either true or false. For example:

p1:Temperature>100p_1: \text{Temperature} > 100

Each pip_i is an atomic proposition that evaluates to true or false based on the values of the system’s variables in a particular state ss . Thus, for any pip_i , we have:

pi:φi(s(v1),s(v2),,s(vn)){true,false} p_i : \varphi_i(s(v_1), s(v_2), \dots, s(v_n)) \in \{ \text{true}, \text{false} \}


  • ss is the current state of the system,
  • v1,v2,,vnv_1, v_2, \dots, v_n are the variables of the system,
  • φi\varphi_i is a logical condition on these variables that defines pip_i .

In Python, each atomic proposition can be thought of as a function that returns either a True or False boolean value:

# Define atomic proposition p_i as a function of system state s(v1), s(v2), ..., s(vn)
def p_i(s_v1: Any, s_v2: Any, *args: Any) -> bool:
# Define the logical condition φ_i(s(v1), s(v2), ..., s(vn))
φ_i = some_condition_based_on(s_v1, s_v2, *args)

# Return the boolean result of φ_i
return φ_i

Now, let’s break the set of atomic propositions APAP into separate components based on input variables, model (internal) variables, and output variables, and redefine APAP as follows:



  • APIAP_I is the set of atomic propositions that relate to input variables.
  • APMAP_M is the set of atomic propositions that relate to model (internal) variables.
  • APOAP_O is the set of atomic propositions that relate to output variables.

In Python, APAP can be represented as a list that includes all atomic propositions, which we can split into three separate lists for input, model, and output variables, respectively:

# Define the lists for AP_I, AP_M, and AP_O
AP_I = [...] # Replace with atomic propositions related to input variables
AP_M = [...] # Replace with atomic propositions related to model variables
AP_O = [...] # Replace with atomic propositions related to output variables

# Combine the lists and convert to a set to ensure uniqueness
AP = set(AP_I + AP_M + AP_O)

Since we are performing black box testing, this decomposition of APAP is very convenient. We can define atomic propositions related only to APIAP_I (input) and APOAP_O (output), as we may not have access to the internals of the implementation to know the APMAP_M (model) variables.

Definition of Equivalence classes I\mathcal{I}

We can informally define equivalent classes as a group of inputs that produce equivalent system behavior. A formal definition can be taken from the paper Exhaustive Model-Based Equivalence Class Testing by W. Huang and J. Peleska, 2013, where input equivalence class partitions (IECP) are defined as follows:

I={{cDIpMp[x/c]pAPIM¬p[x/c]}MAPI}{}\mathcal{I} = \left\{ \left\{ c \in D_I \mid \bigwedge_{p \in M} p[x/c] \land \bigwedge_{p \in AP_I - M} \neg p[x/c] \right\} \mid M \subseteq AP_I \right\} \setminus \{\emptyset\}


  • DID_I : The domain of input variables.
  • p[x/c]p[x/c] : An atomic proposition pp evaluated with the input variable cc substituted for xx . This means that the proposition pp is evaluated based on the current value of the input variable.
  • MAPIM \subseteq AP_I : A subset of the atomic propositions from APIAP_I , the set of atomic propositions related to input variables.
  • \wedge : Logical AND operator that requires all atomic propositions in MM to be true.
  • ¬p[x/c]\neg p[x/c] : Negation of atomic proposition pp , meaning the proposition is false.
  • {}\setminus \{\emptyset\} : Removes empty sets, ensuring that we don’t include cases where no states match.

The expression MAPIM \subseteq AP_I means that MM is a subset of APIAP_I , but we consider all possible subsets MM , therefore MM represents elements from the powerset of APIAP_I .

To clarify:

  • The expression MAPIM \subseteq AP_I means that MM is any subset of APIAP_I .
  • Given that we are considering all possible values of MM , we are essentially looking at the powerset P(API)\mathcal{P}(AP_I) , which includes all subsets of APIAP_I , including the empty set and APIAP_I itself.

Thus, when you’re iterating over all possible subsets MAPIM \subseteq AP_I , you’re effectively iterating over the powerset P(API)\mathcal{P}(AP_I) .

In Python, we can calculate a powerset as follows:

# Define the original set (as a list, set, or tuple)
AP_I = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3']

# Calculate the powerset
powerset = []
for r in range(len(AP_I) + 1): # Iterate over all subset sizes (0 to len(AP_I))
powerset.extend(combinations(AP_I, r)) # Generate all subsets (combinations) of size r from AP_I

We can simplify the definition and remove DID_I so that we can only focus on the equivalence classes without specifying values for the input variables. Removing DID_I, we get a simplified expression:

I={pMp(x)pAPIM¬p(x)MAPI}{}\mathcal{I} = \left\{ \bigwedge_{p \in M} p(x) \land \bigwedge_{p \in AP_I - M} \neg p(x) \mid M \subseteq AP_I \right\} \setminus \{\emptyset\}


  • p(x)p(x) : An atomic proposition pp evaluated based on the values of input variables xx .
  • ¬p(x)\neg p(x) : Negation of atomic proposition pp , meaning the proposition is false.

Simplified I\mathcal{I} is just a Cartesian product

Even though the simplified version of I\mathcal{I} still looks intimidating,

{pMp(x)pAPIM¬p(x)MAPI}\left\{ \bigwedge_{p \in M} p(x) \land \bigwedge_{p \in AP_I - M} \neg p(x) \mid M \subseteq AP_I \right\}

it is equivalent to a Cartesian product of all possible true and false values for each atomic proposition in the set APIAP_I . Each atomic proposition piAPIp_i \in AP_I can either be true, represented as


or false, represented as

¬pi(x)\neg p_i(x)

The set of all possible combinations of these truth values is effectively the Cartesian product of the two possible states for each atomic proposition:

{[p1(x),¬p1(x)]×[p2(x),¬p2(x)]××[pn(x),¬pn(x)]}\left\{ [p_1(x), \neg p_1(x)] \times [p_2(x), \neg p_2(x)] \times \dots \times [p_n(x), \neg p_n(x)] \right\}

This Cartesian product represents all possible subsets MAPIM \subseteq AP_I , where for each subset MM , the propositions in MM are true, and those not in MM are false. By evaluating the truth of the propositions for all possible subsets MM , we generate all possible truth value assignments across the set of atomic propositions.

The memory function

Let’s use a simple memory function as an example to demonstrate the application of atomic propositions and equivalence classes in a practical context. This memory function will allow us to see how these concepts work together in organizing and testing input scenarios based on expected behaviors.

In Python, we’ll define the memory function as follows:

def memory(addr, value=0, mode="r", default=0, mem_={}):
"""Read or write a value into memory at a given address.
The mode is a combination of flags: 'r' for read, 'w' for write,
or 'e' for erase all. The default mode is 'r'."""
_value = default
if "r" in mode:
_value = mem_.get(addr, _value)
if "e" in mode:
if "w" in mode:
mem_[addr] = value
return _value

Atomic propositions for input variables (APIAP_I) of the memory function

Defining atomic propositions for a real-world black-box tested software system is not easy. A tester must be able to break down the system’s inputs into the simplest, indivisible conditions that affect the system’s behavior (the output or the internal state). The focus must always be on behavior-causing differences. If the system has internal states, like our memory function, then differences in behavior must be considered for each state.

“Focus on behavior-causing differences.”

An iterative approach works best. Start with high-level atomic propositions and refine them as needed, keeping the focus on behavior-causing differences.

High-level atomic propositions

If you don’t know where to start, it always helps to start with simple propositions that state the validity of each input variable. After all, we do expect that each input must have some valid value and we do expect that valid input should cause differences in system behavior as compared to invalid input.

Therefore, we can define the following high-level atomic propositions for each input variable (addr, value, mode, default):

  • p1p_1 : `addr` is valid
  • p2p_2 : `value` is valid
  • p3p_3 : `mode` is valid
  • p4p_4 : `default` is valid

Having a set of our four simple high-level atomic propositions in hand, we can use them to define the equivalence classes that correspond to these propositions using the definition I\mathcal{I} . There are 2n2^n classes where nn is the number of propositions. In our case, we have 44 propositions, which gives us 24=162^4=16 classes.

Class p1\textbf p_1 p2\textbf p_2 p3\textbf p_3 p4\textbf p_4
Class 1 p1p_1 p2p_2 p3p_3 p4p_4
Class 2 p1p_1 p2p_2 p3p_3 ¬p4\neg p_4
Class 3 p1p_1 p2p_2 ¬p3\neg p_3 p4p_4
Class 4 p1p_1 p2p_2 ¬p3\neg p_3 ¬p4\neg p_4
Class 16 ¬p1\neg p_1 ¬p2\neg p_2 ¬p3\neg p_3 ¬p4\neg p_4

Note that \land (logical AND) operation is implied between all the columns. For example, Class 2, p1,p2,p3,¬p4p_1, p_2, p_3, \neg p_4 means that addr is valid, value is valid, mode is valid, but default value is invalid.

You can also recognize that equivalence classes are generated similar to how you count in binary and the invalid input is automatically considered by negation of each proposition. This means defining a proposition like p1a:addrisinvalidp_{1a}: addr\,is\,invalid would be redundant because ¬p1\neg p_1 logically means that and ¬p1a\neg p_{1a} would be just p1p_1.

In Python, we can calculate this simply by using the Cartesian product (testflows.combinatorics.product or itertools.product) function as follows:

[('p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'),
('p1', 'p2', 'p3', '¬p4'),
('p1', 'p2', '¬p3', 'p4'),
('p1', 'p2', '¬p3', '¬p4'),
('¬p1', '¬p2', '¬p3', '¬p4')]

If you don’t remember how a Cartesian product works, recall that a Cartesian product can be represented using nested for-loops as follows:

for p1 in ['p1','¬p1']:
for p2 in ['p2','¬p2']:
for p3 in ['p3','¬p3']:
for p4 in ['p4','¬p4']:
(p1, p2, p3, p4)

In a TestSketch which supports the either() function, the same Cartesian product can be naturally defined as possibilities as follows:

def combinatorial_test(self):
p1 = either('p1', '¬p1') # p1 is either 'p1' or '¬p1'
p2 = either('p2', '¬p2') # ...
p3 = either('p3', '¬p3') # ...
p4 = either('p4', '¬p4') # ...
(p1, p2, p3, p4)

Defining the meaning of each proposition and its negation

Having defined the first four high-level propositions and the equivalent classes derived from them, we need to give meaning to what it actually means for a given input to be valid or invalid. For this, we need to look at each input individually, as what it means to be valid or invalid for one input does not apply to another. We’ll define an input to be invalid when the memory function raises an exception; otherwise, we’ll consider any value that does not lead to an exception to be valid. Therefore, now we just need to think if there are any values for each input that would cause the memory function to raise an exception.

After a quick examination of the memory function implementation, we can conclude the following:

  1. The addr is valid when the value is hashable and invalid when it is not hashable. This is because the addr is used as a key in a dictionary, and Python dictionary keys must be hashable.

  2. The value is valid for any value, and therefore there are no invalid values for it.

  3. The mode is valid when the value is iterable and invalid when it is not. This is because the mode is used with the in operator, which only works for iterable objects.

  4. The default is valid for any value, and therefore there are no invalid values for it.

Filtering out invalid classes

Given that both value and default inputs don’t have invalid values, we reduce the equivalent classes to just four. This is because value and default propositions must always be true, and only propositions for addr and mode can vary.

Class p1\textbf p_1 p2\textbf p_2 p3\textbf p_3 p4\textbf p_4
Class 1 p1p_1 p2p_2 p3p_3 p4p_4
Class 2 p1p_1 p2p_2 ¬p3\neg p_3 p4p_4
Class 3 ¬p1\neg p_1 p2p_2 p3p_3 p4p_4
Class 4 ¬p1\neg p_1 p2p_2 ¬p3\neg p_3 p4p_4

Refining atomic propositions

We’ve started with high-level input validity propositions and after analysis of what valid and invalid values can be for each input, we’ve narrowed down our equivalence classes to just four. However, as intuition tells us, this is not enough to test the memory function. This is because we need to think about if all values that fall into the valid or invalid class for a given variable would lead to the same behavior, or if some values would cause the behavior to be different.

Let’s start with the mode and add additional atomic propositions that would cause differences in behavior. When mode is invalid, the only behavior that we expect is an exception, so we don’t need to add an additional proposition to differentiate behavior when mode is invalid. However, this is not the case when mode is valid. When the mode is valid, the behavior of the system will depend on the presence or absence of each mode flag r, w, and e. Therefore, we need to add additional propositions to account for difference in the behavior when these flags are set. This gives us three new propositions:

  • p3ap_{3a} : `r` in `mode`
  • p3bp_{3b} : `w` in `mode`
  • p3cp_{3c} : `e` in `mode`

Next, let’s think about the addr. If addr is invalid, meaning the value is non-hashable, we expect the behavior to be the same - an exception will be raised. Now, what about when addr is valid? Can we say that for any valid value of addr the behavior is the same? The answer is obviously, no. It is a memory function after all, so the behavior of the system depends on the actual value of the addr. Therefore, we need to add an additional proposition to cover this.

  • p1ap_{1a} : `addr` is set to valid value `A`

The same logic will apply for the value argument. The invalid case does not even apply; however, for valid values we expect that the behavior of the system will be different for different values. Therefore, again we need to add an additional proposition to cover it.

  • p2ap_{2a} : `value` is set to valid value `V`

Note that we only want to fix a value for addr and value inputs when these values are valid. We don’t care about fixing any values for the invalid cases for these variables.

The last one is the default. The invalid case again does not apply, but even for the valid case, we expect the system to behave the same irrespective of the actual value set for the default. Therefore, we don’t need to add any additional propositions related to the default.

It is clear from the above that choosing the right propositions requires a tester to think about the system at the right abstraction level. Not too high and not too low, but just enough to cover the important cases that lead to different behaviors.

The previously stated quote is critical to defining atomic propositions for real-world systems at hand.

“Focus on behavior-causing differences” - specific variations in inputs that lead a software system to exhibit different behaviors.

Also, note that we are maintaining the right level of abstraction by saying that for addr and value the actual value matters, but we don’t care what it actually is. Instead, we do care when the value will be different to the one we select, which is covered by the negation of those propositions.

For the memory function, the full set of atomic propositions APIAP_I now sits at nine and is the following:

  • p1p_1 : `addr` is valid
  • p1ap_{1a} : `addr` is set to valid value `A`
  • p2p_2 : `value` is valid
  • p2ap_{2a} : `value` is set to valid value `V`
  • p3p_3 : `mode` is valid
  • p3ap_{3a} : `r` in `mode`
  • p3bp_{3b} : `w` in `mode`
  • p3cp_{3c} : `e` in `mode`
  • p4p_4 : `default` is valid

We can scratch our heads now and ask if we’ve defined enough propositions? What does it mean to be enough? Well, enough is simply the smallest set of propositions that cover all possible differences in system’s behavior. Remember that the negations of these propositions are included by default.

Equivalence classes from refined propositions

Having our nine refined propositions ready, we can now build our equivalence classes. If we consider each proposition to be independent, then we would have 29=5122^9=512 classes. However, some propositions are dependent, and we need to take that into account.

Let’s start with p1p_1 and p1ap_{1a}, which are propositions related to the addr. When ¬p1\neg p_1 (address is invalid), the p1ap_{1a} is a don’t care. Therefore, for p1p_1 and p1ap_{1a}, we only have 33 possible combinations.

p1\textbf p_1 p1a\textbf p_{1a} Description
p1p_1 p1ap_{1a} addr is valid and is A
p1p_1 ¬p1a\neg p_{1a} addr is valid and is B (not A)
¬p1\neg p_1 XX addr is invalid and value doesn't matter

For the two propositions related to the value, p2p_2 and p2ap_{2a}, we know that we don’t need to consider ¬p2\neg p_2, as value can’t be invalid. Therefore, we only have 22 possible combinations.

p2\textbf p_2 p2a\textbf p_{2a} Description
p2p_2 p2ap_{2a} value is valid and is V
p2p_2 ¬p2a\neg p_{2a} value is valid and is W (not V)

Next, let’s look at propositions for the mode. The mode is covered by propositions p3p_3, p3ap_{3a}, p3bp_{3b}, and p3cp_{3c}. Here, we note that when ¬p3\neg p_3, the mode is invalid, and the other propositions p3ap_{3a}, p3bp_{3b}, and p3cp_{3c} are don’t care. Therefore, we have 99 possible combinations (2×2×2)+1=9(2 \times 2 \times 2) + 1 = 9 .

p3\textbf p_3 p3a\textbf p_{3a} p3b\textbf p_{3b} p3c\textbf p_{3c} Description
p3p_3 p3ap_{3a} p3bp_{3b} p3cp_{3c} mode is valid and 'rwe' flags are set
p3p_3 p3ap_{3a} p3bp_{3b} ¬p3c\neg p_{3c} mode is valid and 'rw' flags are set
p3p_3 ¬p3a\neg p_{3a} ¬p3b\neg p_{3b} ¬p3c\neg p_{3c} mode is valid and no flags are set
¬p3\neg p_3 XX XX XX mode is invalid and flags don't care

Lastly, we only have one proposition for default, which is p4p_4. Given that the default value can only be valid, there is only 11 possible combination.

p4\textbf p_4 Description
p4p_4 default value is valid and exact value doesn't matter

Therefore, the total number of equivalent classes that we need to consider is:

3×2×9×1=543 \times 2 \times 9 \times 1 = 54

giving us only 5454 classes that we need to consider for comprehensive test coverage of the memory function. This is much less than 512512, if we did not consider interdependency between propositions and when valid or invalid propositions actually applied.

Table of equivalence classes

Here are all the 5454 classes and the description for each:

Table: Equivalent Classes
Class p1\textbf p_1 p1a\textbf p_{1a} p2\textbf p_2 p2a\textbf p_{2a} p3\textbf p_3 p3a\textbf p_{3a} p3b\textbf p_{3b} p3c\textbf p_{3c} p4\textbf p_4 Description
1 False N/A True True False N/A N/A N/A True addr invalid; value set to V; mode invalid; default is valid
2 False N/A True False False N/A N/A N/A True addr invalid; value not V; mode invalid; default is valid
3 False N/A True True True False False False True addr invalid; value set to V; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
4 False N/A True False True False False False True addr invalid; value not V; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
5 False N/A True True True False False True True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
6 False N/A True False True False False True True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
7 False N/A True True True False True False True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
8 False N/A True False True False True False True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
9 False N/A True True True False True True True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
10 False N/A True False True False True True True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
11 False N/A True True True True False False True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'r'; attempts to read; default is valid
12 False N/A True False True True False False True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'r'; attempts to read; default is valid
13 False N/A True True True True False True True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'r' & 'e'; attempts to read; erases memory; default is valid
14 False N/A True False True True False True True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'r' & 'e'; attempts to read; erases memory; default is valid
15 False N/A True True True True True False True addr invalid; value set to V; mode 'r' & 'w'; attempts to read; writes value; default is valid
16 False N/A True False True True True False True addr invalid; value not V; mode 'r' & 'w'; attempts to read; writes value; default is valid
17 False N/A True True True True True True True addr invalid; value set to V; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
18 False N/A True False True True True True True addr invalid; value not V; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
19 True False True True False N/A N/A N/A True addr valid; not A; value set to V; mode invalid; default is valid
20 True False True False False N/A N/A N/A True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode invalid; default is valid
21 True False True True True False False False True addr valid; not A; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
22 True False True False True False False False True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
23 True False True True True False False True True addr valid; not A; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
24 True False True False True False False True True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
25 True False True True True False True False True addr valid; not A; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
26 True False True False True False True False True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
27 True False True True True False True True True addr valid; not A; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
28 True False True False True False True True True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
29 True False True True True True False False True addr valid; not A; mode 'r'; reads from addr; returns value or default
30 True False True False True True False False True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'r'; reads from addr; returns value or default
31 True False True True True True False True True addr valid; not A; mode 'r' & 'e'; reads; erases memory; returns value or default
32 True False True False True True False True True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'r' & 'e'; reads; erases memory; returns value or default
33 True False True True True True True False True addr valid; not A; mode 'r' & 'w'; reads; writes value; returns value or default
34 True False True False True True True False True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode 'r' & 'w'; reads; writes value; returns value or default
35 True False True True True True True True True addr valid; not A; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; returns value or default
36 True False True False True True True True True addr valid; not A; value not V; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; returns value or default
37 True True True True False N/A N/A N/A True addr valid; A; mode invalid; default is valid
38 True True True False False N/A N/A N/A True addr valid; A; value not V; mode invalid; default is valid
39 True True True True True False False False True addr valid; A; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
40 True True True False True False False False True addr valid; A; value not V; mode valid; no flags; default is valid
41 True True True True True False False True True addr valid; A; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
42 True True True False True False False True True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'e'; erases memory; default is valid
43 True True True True True False True False True addr valid; A; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
44 True True True False True False True False True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'w'; writes value; default is valid
45 True True True True True False True True True addr valid; A; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
46 True True True False True False True True True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'w' & 'e'; erases memory; writes value; default is valid
47 True True True True True True False False True addr valid; A; mode 'r'; reads from addr; returns value
48 True True True False True True False False True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'r'; reads from addr; returns value
49 True True True True True True False True True addr valid; A; mode 'r' & 'e'; reads; erases memory; returns value
50 True True True False True True False True True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'r' & 'e'; reads; erases memory; returns value
51 True True True True True True True False True addr valid; A; mode 'r' & 'w'; reads; writes value; returns value
52 True True True False True True True False True addr valid; A; value not V; mode 'r' & 'w'; reads; writes value; returns value
53 True True True True True True True True True addr valid; A; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; returns value
54 True True True False True True True True True addr valid; A; value not V; mode all flags; reads; erases memory; writes value; returns value


In this first part, we’ve introduced formal definitions for atomic propositions and equivalence classes, applying them to a memory function as a practical example. By analyzing each input variable and refining our initial set of propositions, we reduced the potential input space to a manageable set of equivalence classes. Through this process, we illustrated how to focus on behavior-causing differences in inputs, ensuring comprehensive test coverage without redundancy.

Next, in Part 2, we’ll explore how to take internal states into account, select specific input values, and use a combinatorial sketch to cover all equivalence classes effectively.